
  • On biased positional games, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 7 (1998), 339-351.
  • Biased positional games for which random strategies are nearly optimal, Combinatorica, (with Tomasz Łuczak), 20 (2000), 477-488.
  • Biased positional games and the phase transition, (with Tomasz Łuczak), Random Structures & Algorithms, 18 (2001), 141-152.
  • Quantum walks on cycles, (with Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), Physics Letters A, 317 (2003), 21-25.
  • Quasiperiodic dynamics of a quantum walk on the line, (with Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), Phys. Rev. Letters, 93 (2004), 180601.
  • Examples of nonuniform limiting distributions for the quantum walks on even cycles, (with Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), International Journal of Quantum Information, 2 (2004) 453-460.
  • Biased positional games on matroids, (with Oleg Pikhurko), European Journal of Combinatorics, 26 (2005), 271-285.
  • Unmodulated spin chains as universal quantum wires, (with Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), Phys. Review A, 72 (2005), 034303.
  • Multiuser quantum communication networks, (with Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), Phys. Review A, 75 (2007), 022330.
  • Odd and even cycles in Maker-Breaker games, (with Oleg Pikhurko), European Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (2008), 742-745.
  • Trapping a particle of a quantum walk on the line, (with Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, Tomasz Łuczak and Antoni Wójcik), Phys. Review A, 85 (2012), 012329.
  • On weight function methods in Chooser-Picker games, Theoretical Computer Science, 475 (2013), 21-33.
  • Avoider-Forcer games on hypergraphs with small rank, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 21 (2014), P1.2
  • Picker-Chooser fixed graph games, (with Danny Hefetz and Tomasz Łuczak), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 119 (2016), 122-154.   preprint
  • Manipulative waiters with probabilistic intuition, (with Danny Hefetz, Michael Krivelevich and Tomasz Łuczak), Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, 25 (2016), 823-849.   preprint
  • Proper colouring Painter-Builder game, (with Michael Krivelevich, Viola Mészáros and Clément Requilé), Discrete Mathematics, 341 (2018), 658-664.   preprint
  • On the separation conjecture in Avoider-Enforcer games (with Omri Ben-Eliezer, Lior Gishboliner and Tuan Tran), Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, 138 (2019), 41-77. preprint
  • Online size Ramsey numbers: Odd cycles vs connected graphs (with Grzegorz Adamski), Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (2024), P3.16. preprint
  • Online size Ramsey numbers: Paths vs $C_4$ (with Grzegorz Adamski), Discrete Mathematics, 347 (2024), 114214. preprint
  • Off-diagonal online size Ramsey numbers for paths , European Journal of Combinatorics, 118 (2024), 103873. preprint
  • Online Ramsey numbers: Long versus short cycles (with Grzegorz Adamski and Václav Blažej), SIDMA, 38 (2024), 10.1137/23M156183X. preprint
  • On size Ramsey numbers for a pair of cycles , (with Tomasz Łuczak), submitted, 2023. preprint
  • Tree universality in positional games, (with Grzegorz Adamski, Sylwia Antoniuk, Dennis Clemens, Fabian Hamann and Yannick Mogge), submitted, 2023. preprint
  • Creating spanning trees in Waiter-Client games, (with Grzegorz Adamski, Sylwia Antoniuk, Dennis Clemens, Fabian Hamann and Yannick Mogge), submitted, 2024. preprint